You just hit the nail on the head. Society has moved too far from the ideal of valuing family and loving people for who they are to the mess we see today. It's become so individualistic and materialistic. I also think this is where we started to get off track... and I'm not exactly sure when it all started, but it's clear to me that Scripture doesn't want us living this way. People should simply be worthy of our love because the same Creator breathed life into both of us.

I've seen churches split over much less than this, which is why our value system needs to take a few steps backward to where we used to be. It breaks my heart to see elderly people with immediate family not going to visit them. I had an extremely viable relationship with my late Paternal Grandma. If we weren't on the phone 3-4x per week and out to lunch at least once a week, immediately call 911 because something is seriously wrong.

I'm not sure if any of this is making any sense whatsoever, but your article got a few synapses firing... and that's never a bad thing. Families are strange creatures. Everyone can recognize my family tree because there are nuts all over it!!! I'm going to stop my endless rambling now . Take care of you and yours and know this lunatic will always have your back and be in your corner.

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This all makes perfect sense, Scott, and I agree whole heartedly! Thank you for the encouragement!

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