From the moment of our birth, we engage with the world through our five senses. We spend our lives honing our sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste so we can recognize and categorize the sensations that give us peace and pleasure—and those that don’t. We’re so enmeshed in the physical world, it can be difficult to sense the spiritual world that exists in tandem, all around us. So, we debate whether or not God is real; whether angels and demons exist; whether there’s something beyond what we can see.
One of my favorite parts about working at a large church is the constant evidence of God’s movement.
Recently, I’ve heard reports of two different people with aortic aneurisms being miraculously healed, the life-threatening bulge in the artery disappearing, when there was no possible way that could happen.
I’ve heard reports of cancer disappearing, time and time again.
A young man who was suddenly paralyzed from the neck down and put on a respirator had his full mobility (and life) restored as people prayed and worshiped over him.
I know two women who were plagued with celiac disease, and they can now eat gluten—lots of it—without any problems.
Our God heals when we pray, and it’s not limited to our bodies. He also heals our minds. I’ve met people with pasts fraught with addictions, broken relationships, debilitating depression, crippling anxiety, and more. They were broken and in despair—until they recognized Jesus was real and He could help them. You would never guess their pasts from who they are today.
There is story, after story, after story, after story of the supernatural world reaching into our physical world and causing real, tangible, blessed change. Witnessing God answer prayers is an amazing thing to behold.
To be clear, not every story ends with a miracle—God chooses how He will answer prayers, not us. Sometimes that answer is silence, because He’s more interested in refining our character and drawing us closer to Him than making life easy. Other times our trials are further evidence we live in a fallen, broken world, and while we may not see healing this side of Heaven, God promises to be by our side, each step of the way as we move forward.
We are living in the midst of modern-day miracles, but have you thought about the miracle of the Christmas story lately? How could God—a spiritual being—make Himself present in our physical world? How could He move from one realm to another? Because He’s God. He’s not limited to the rules and laws of our physical world.
Before Jesus came to Earth as a baby, our shortcomings, selfishness, and sin separated us from God. We were doomed to a life where the world we consume through our five senses was the sum of our existence. We had no eternal hope, only eternal condemnation. Then, at the appointed time—no sooner and no later—God Himself came to earth in the form of a newborn baby, born to a virgin in the most humble of circumstances.
The eternal God came to live on our temporary earth. Why would He do that?
He chose to endure the troubles and trials of human existence—learning, growing, working, teaching, ministering—then being mocked, flogged, and brutally killed.
We think that death is the worst thing that can happen to a person. It’s not. Going to Hell forever is the worst thing that can happen to a person. Our bodies will die, but our spirits are eternal. When Jesus came to Earth, He gave us a chance to know God, to live our lives with Him by our side, and to never have to fear—not even death—because our eternities are secure. We can trust Him.
Why did our eternal God come to live on our temporary Earth? Because He loves us. He didn’t want to spend eternity without us, the most cherished part of His creation.
John 3:16-17 says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”
We spend our days debating whether or not God is real. As if our affirmation of His existence makes Him exist any more (or less). All the while, Heaven is beckoning us to see beyond our five senses and invite Jesus more fully into our lives and into our hearts.
When we do, entire new dimensions unfold before us, far beyond what we could ever dream or imagine. Picture the most beautiful landscape you’ve ever seen, or the smell of your favorite cookies as they bake in the oven, or the time where you felt the most loved, content, and cherished—that’s just the beginning of what it’s like to walk with Him.
As we prepare our hearts for Christmas, remember what God did when He sent His son to us as a little baby. He opened the gates of Heaven to us. Let’s follow Him in.
Here’s a simple prayer you can read aloud to invite Jesus into your life more fully:
Thank you, God, that You created me, You love me, and You have a plan for me. Thank You that you sent your Son to Earth, and that we celebrate His birth on Christmas Day. God, I want to know more about You. I want to hear Your voice and recognize it. Forgive me for doubting You. Forgive me for all my sins. I forgive everyone who sinned against me. I believe Jesus died on a cross so I can be reconciled to You. Please, God, help me to learn how to follow You. Lead me to people who know You, follow You, and who will help me grow in my faith. Thank You for rescuing me and choosing me to be a part of Your family and Your eternal Kingdom. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Is praying that type of prayer new to you? Let me know, and I will help you with some next steps.